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RSS MaryMerchant

Reward Points:6
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1 point

You regarding us as "you New Englanders" is a perfect example of how sectionalism has increased. And how has it increased? It has happened when a region or group has decided to make the decision of the greater good of the United States without the country's consent, I think that this is what tears the country apart. First the rights of our country was based on what the people (the entire popultaion) wanted and that gave the government its power. Second, the British injuries to America could be argued that they actually caused a call for unity and support in Nationalism, similar to the time leading up to and through the Revolutionary War.

1 point


After much discussion, I still firmly believe that war is not inevitable. Many preventative measures can be taken, for example increased participation of France and Great Britain in our Foreign Policy. Conversations with the diplomatic ambassadors and the leaders is a safer alternative for peace instead of sending loved ones into battle against, arguably the greatest world power, Great Britain. Why spend so much money and causing a possible financial crisis, and even more important which is the debt of life from the men who would be fighting a war with no purpose.

I also see the faults in our own government, the most notable is the embargo. This hated embargo crippled a significant section of the United States, and the ripple-effect from this embargo streched further than any politician might imagine. This is evident in the retalliation of the British to place a blockade to prevent any further trade or travel So, the government had good intentions, but lacked foresight and ended up hurting themselves more than France and Great Britain.

Finally, could anyone offer several reasons for war to be the only way to settle disputes between the United States, Britain, and France? Yes, impressment of American sailors is terrible at worst, considering it could be a form of slavery. But consider how the British and Americans conducted themselves after the Boston Massacre; lives were lost when tempers of soldiers and colonists erupted, but after the fog lifted on the entire event, both parties involved took their case to court. Anyone could offer an opinion based on the outcome of the trial, but the point is that justice was served in a civilized manner.

1 point

Why would they listen to the United States? Well at the time the United States was a being recognized and respected as a independent nation. A navy is not necessary into bringing justice in the waters, because cooperation from other countries would be beneficial. France would be willing to help protect the waters around trade routes if it meant stricter regulations on Britain, vice versa for Britain too. But why is violence is the first and only option? Have you considered that the majority of Americans do not wish to send their sons, brothers, and fathers into a battle that they could lose their life in? Do they wish to join a military that is not as strong to fight other world powers that have more expertise?

1 point

Why fight just to show how strong you are? That seems like fighting for no reason but to fight. It is the same as when Britain tried to fight us in the Revolutionary War; they lost because they did not fight with a cause. So why enter a war when history dictates that there is a higher probability that we are bound to lose? Plus, the statement you made referring to the Indians as "Savages" is the real reason why they are fighting us, they are treated poorly so as the old saying goes, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

1 point

While the impressment of sailors is disliked by the majority, it is not a call to war. A solution to this problem could be increased policing of the seas, and harsher consequences for impressment. Britain did not intend to block our ports because they relied on our materials to support their war effort, our leaders set an embargo to avoid being partial to France or Britain. Also our leaders may set aside prejudices in order to better our country and improve relations with the Indians, since the Indians sided with Britain because they were treated better. War is not the answer to these minor problems, legislation and improve foreign policies will be a better force of change.

1 point

We are weary, and in serious condition of approaching poverty; the Merchants of New England believe that war is not inevitable, but rather a choice which the Legislature has hastily considered. If choosing war, which would be a decision out of fear and anger, then an embargo will be forcefully placed on us (1). This embargo has serious consequences that could sever entire relations with New England and the rest of the United States, this would result in a weak state that is more susceptible to defeat (2). Another effect of war would be the economy and the growing manufacturing would be slowed and devastated (3). New England is known for their spirit, and as history has shown that if the spirit has been oppressed, there could be serious consequences too.

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