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RSS Compromiser

Reward Points:2
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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

British actions are tearing this country apart. To become a unified and whole country we must first have all the rights of a country. Would you New Englanders put yourselves above the good of the nation?

1 point

As we speak Britain is capturing an American trade ship and impressing our sailors. This scourge is severely affecting our trade and revenue. If we want to fully reap the profits that the world has to offer then we must break free of Britain's grasp.

2 points

We must go to war with Britain if we want to become; and be recognized, as a great nation as is the will of God(1). We cannot succeed with our borders being encroached upon from all sides (2), and our means of revenue dampened by The British Navy (3).

Every American ship at sea is at risk of being seized by Britain. To let this continue is to, in all matters, submit to the all powerful Britain. Without opposition Britain will continue to harry us at every chance and even become more bold in there endeavors. The rights of Americans as free men are being trampled. The very things we fought for in our war for independence have begun again. By controlling the sea Britain has severely restricted our trade. We are losing money at an unimaginable rate. We must fight back like we have before to regain our freedoms. Also there is the ever present threat of the savage Indians to the west. There is no doubt that Britain is inciting them to attack our forts and frontiers. The longer we let this abomination continue the more we shall suffer. The only way to fulfill our destiny is to fight back and show the world the what the wrath of America feels like.

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