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War_Hawk's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of War_Hawk's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

In conclusion, I believe that it is without a doubt in the best interest of our country to go to war against Britain. The main reason being that the British have not treated us as they should since the day of our colonization. The British have also destroyed the coasts of our nation for little to no reason. Even though we have a small army that is not a good enough excuse to just take the abuse that they have put upon us.

1 point

I 1000% (that is one thousand) agree that we should not just accept the tyranny that the Red coats have put on to us, especially since we have just put so much effort in to a revolution against the same country.

1 point

The power of one country over the other is not a good reason to defend yourself, otherwise the Taliban or these other groups would not be attacking America today because of our power.

1 point

Even though we are a very young country we must defend our selves and not take all of the things that Britain has done to us. Do you think that being the underdog stopped the colonists from revolting against Britain in the first place, so why would it stop them from going to war again.

1 point

It is a must that we go to war with these awful people, and show them that they have treated us wrong because:

The British have treated us Americans very poorly since we have become colonized. They have stopped American sailors while sailing in international waters and seizing the boat’s possessions and the people that are on board. These people have been sitting outside many of our harbors and torturing many of the ships that are leaving, some cases are even ending in Americans shedding blood.

The Americans are still fuming about the Chesapeake Affair. It was not right for the British to destroy the coast of our great nation for such a minor reason. Us putting the Embargo Act on them is much like them putting the taxes on the various goods that we were importing or using.

We must end the Embargo Act and trade with these countries or go to war against them, if we just sit and do not trade with them we will eventually run out of goods. We do not have an overabundance of goods to last for a long period of time. While the British will just sit there laughing at us in their ships ten feet off of our coast.

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