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Jingoist's Waterfall RSS

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Jingoist(6) Clarified
2 points

This is my closing statement and should actually be at the bottom of the page.



Patriotic Nyan
1 point

I conclude that we may seem unprepared for a war with Britain, but we have managed to succeed before. We must show that we will not be intimidated by their show of force and power through impressment, Indian incitements, and their control of commerce. This is an opportunity to gain respect and grow as a country. Diplomacy can do only so much, whereas a war will show the world our intentions for democracy and our nation, that can be pushed further towards greatness.

Long live liberty! Let the United States of America stand as one against oppression!

1 point


The people of this land will certainly know our country better than the British, we were its founders. The very idea of Britain chafing at our borders is only one of our needs to fight back. I would argue that Canada would be an asset to furthering our country and democracy. With European powers no longer closing us in, we would be free to grow and expand. With this growth we would spread the idea of democracy, and may even reach other parts of the world where democracy is needed most.

1 point


You are correct in the statement that this nation has come far in its democratic ways. Those who believe a war could jeopardize these ideals will not take the risk that instead, democracy could be taken farther. Standing up Britain would show other countries that they need not follow the ways they always have. We would inspire others to instigate democracies of their own and forever keep alive the United States.

1 point


How you talk of building up our nation, when we are still under a foot of Britain. Britain's advantages has you thinking that we would be unable to defeat them. Remember the Revolutionary War my friend! We were far outnumbered in both experience and funding, yet we managed to overcome their tyranny. If we put all of our thoughts and strength behind this war, we will succeed again.

War with Britain would not undermine our growth as you put, but increase it! Our industry would flourish to provide us with needed supplies, and instead of looking overseas for commerce we would reach for our own manufacturers. This could be just what our infant nation needs to reach maturity, the chance to grow.

0 points

Prudent indeed is our need to go to war with Britain. Any true supporter of our nation's further growth would see that this is exactly what we need to stand up to the tyranny of Britain, years after we have already thrown off their despotic ways. We may be a young country, but this is why we need to prove ourselves and stand up to the brutish Britain. We need to earn the respect of the rest of the world. 1) Strong action is needed to end the barbaric impressment of our fellow countrymen. Britain must learn that we cannot be intimidated by, especially after the Chesapeake tragedy. 2) For our country to advance forward, we can no longer sit idly by while the British continue their harassment of our commerce. The Embargo Act may not have been the solution to the Orders of Council, but something needs to be done. 3) The British will not stop in their provocation of us. Their incitement of Indian attacks along our border are unacceptable. If we cannot defend our borders, how are we ever to become a respected world power? Rise up my fellow Americans! Our honor and liberty is at stake! We must show the world that democracy is not just a possibility, but a necessity, and the only way to accomplish this is through war!

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