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EnglandFed's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of EnglandFed's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I do not see any reason to declare a war on Great Britain. I think that we have decent standings with them currently. There is also a good balance between the two political parties. Why can't we just be at peace with Britain by trying to get along with them in a reasonable manner.Reasons why I think we should not declare war are:

1.)Trade with Britain is good. We do not want to loose trading with them. With them we trade fish, livestock, and maple syrup. While they trade with us goods like rum, paper,glass,paint, and tea.

2.)If the Democratic-Republicans gain the land area of Canada that will create a political imbalance between us. They will own far more land area than we do. This creates a great unfairness. Both political land areas should be equal that way one party cannot over rule another.

3.) Right now as Federalist we feel are viewpoints on the declaration of war on Britain are not being heard. We say no to the war and yet it still goes through. All we want is peace with Britain done in a peaceful manner. We do not consider war a peaceful manner by any means and feel we gain nothing from trying to fight with them again. Since our demands on not calling a war on Britain is not met we demand that amendments require two thirds vote in congress before another war is declared and financial assistance coming from Washington. We feel that these are not unreasonable to be met. Creating this war has created unfairness between us as Federalists and you as Democratic-Republicans.

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