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Bostonian's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bostonian's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I conclude my argument in stating that the war is unreasonable to our country. Britian has a lot more power and we will be the laughing stock of the world. We also have no funding for the war. The war is bad and we need to stay away from it. Help me get everyone involved in stopping this war!

2 points

I agree with your second statement. We have no chance in winning this war, our country is so small that it will be an embarrassment to fight them again. We would not have won during the Revolutionary War if we did not have the support of France. During this war France may not help us because we did not help them in their Revolutionary War. We will look back at this and wonder why we did this to our military men and to our country.

2 points

The Indian attacks were improper, but we will become a respected world power. Britain will use that against us during the whole war, and they will get Indians to battle against us and probably will defeat us. Also if we talk to Britain and make a deal we should be able to stop them from harassing us. It has been quite a few years since the Revolutionary War, but they soon will get over themselves and allow us to be a free country. We do not need another war.

2 points


While I agree that Britain should not think we are intimidated of them, we do not need to send men into battle. First of all because we do not have enough men to fight Britain. It is also difficult for America to go through another war with little funds and no support from other countries like France. Secondly we are at an unstable point in our history from the Embargo Act to creating a new democracy it will be difficult to fight Britain.

1 point

A war with Britain would be dreadful. While there are some people who think it is a good thing I will give you a few reasons to persuade you to stop thinking this war is good. 1) We are not prepared, our military is inadequate, we have little funds and only a few soldiers. It also does not help that we are starting a new country and a have democracy in the making. Secondly 2) some military men think by defeating Britain we will be able to capture Canada. Why do we need Canada? It serves no purpose to us, except for land, although, we are expanding our country now so we have no need for Canada. Lastly 3) Britain has a lot more power over us. Mainly because they are developed and have a strong army to defeat us. Some may think we have an advantage because we know the land, but British people have been over here since the Revolutionary War and they know the land just as well as us.

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