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Hickory's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hickory's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Never have the British treated us with the equallity we deserve. We have always been their punching bag as the War Hawks have said. Trading with them has always caused us to have the lower hand. Now, we have the chance to prove to them that we will no longer take their prejudice of us without a fight. Neutrality is one thing that should be used at certain times. But now is not the Time for Neutrality, but rather the Time for Fight, and to show them that we deserve to be able to trade and amount to something in this world of ours.

1 point

So if your brothers and family had been taken away, and forced into unrightful slavery, all you would do is merely give the captors a stern wag of the finger? And how, by chance, would you deliver your "harsher consequences", or "Police" the waters, when you have no navy at all? All due to the constant impressemnent, that will not stop just because you told the captors to. Has the royal crown ever listened to the Americans peace cries, or compromises in the past? No? Then why would they now? Force is the only resolution to these horrors inflicted by the British.This is why we must go to war, as urgently as possible, while we still have a navy to use.

1 point

War with the British is the only way we will stay their hand from our economy and lives! If we do not act against them, then how can we say we are an able government willing to control itself and its people? Our trade was hindered by the Embargo act, yet we as a country survived through it, and industrialized ourselves, taking away reliance on foreign money. We will only thrive now if we force the British away. This war will unify our country and push us to a common good, and usher in a new era for us all.

2 points

Britain must be attacked, due to the grievances that have hence forth been set upon us, 1. including impressment of our naval brethren, 2. the constant pushing by British forts at our borders, 3. and the fact that we can not, nor will not, deny the peoples cries for war!

Who are we, so lowly of a country, to obey, to bow down to the british gangs, collecting our sailors, our captains, all of our brave men aboard our ships? Those of you who say so boldly that it is a mere "inconvenience", that we need not retaliate against Britain, that we should be throwing up our arms with his majesty and the royal crown, should be cast aside and stricken by God himself! Our countries backbone is not, and should not, be that of a coward and a weakling, but rather that of an immaculate soldier, ready to force his way to justice, and to the rights of his country. If our Sailors are continually taken, we must also acquire new ones, spending more money on training then we ought fully should. We will not have a winning navy in this great world unless we fight against the tyranny!

We will not allow the evil of Britain to press on our borders, to steal our commerce through unlawful actions, nor to acquire the aid of the Indian savages in the west. We are wrongfully attacked, and refused our right to spread out through this great open expanse, having our families killed and murdered by savages and their hateful redcoat allies. We shall unite, and unleash a great force, to completely wipe away the dark smudge against this land that is the British.

The people demand that we fight! We must not deny the rights of our citizens, for the fear that they will strip away our own government one by one, and give into anarchy. Give them what they want, for it is the right thing to do.

I will say once more, that our country is filled not with the weak and pathetic prowess of the federalists, but that of a nation born into action, and strength against the odds. We shall wage war against the British, and continue to, until every last one of their red coats are out of our land and our country that we so proudly call the United States of America!

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