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WarHawks's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of WarHawks's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Conclusion: War can't be avoided. Our forefathers fought for our rights and we must not let anyone take them away. Let it be known that anyone who stands between the U.S. and justice will also need to be ready to stand against the U.S. on the battle field.

1 point

Britain did have a hand in our trading issues. Although, we really hurt ourselves with The Embargo Act, trying to stay neutral. Britain issued the Orders in Council before this that tried to hurt France by hitting Americans. By staying neutral to trading we are a punching bag to Britain and France trying to hurt each other.

3 points

Saying going to war would devastate America's economy is implying that staying neutral keeps our economy up. It does not though. Anyone who felt the effects of the Embargo Act knows that staying neutral hurts us more than going to war would.

3 points

1) Trade with Britain is severed already. In 1806 when London issued the Orders of Council, war has been inevitable. Let us not forget the Chesapeake Affair. Not going to war doesn't stop Britain from killing our trading relations, it only keeps us from defending ourselves.

1 point

Britain is forcing our hand to war. Our forefathers would not stand for this injustice we have been dealt and neither shall we. We no longer will allow Britain to impress our sailors(1) and block our trading(2). If we do not go to war, Indians will continue to attack settlers on the frontier(3). Britain is trying to take our land, sailors, and trading rights. If we don't stop them, what's next?

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